Thursday, 31 May 2012

Mr. 3Angle and responsibility

Too many project managers are exhausted trying to lift a far bigger responsibility that planned by their mangers.

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Do you ask for Resources or deliverables?

When we borrow a person from one or another department, there is rarely much support from his office - we have the responsibility to make the best of the person.

What if we instead agreed on a deliverable which the department must provide - perhaps via the same resource, but it does not matter. The fact is that now we have a supplier with an obligation, and we can concentrate on other things. Then it is up to the department to back up the matter and possible call for more resources.

Of course we have to specify the precise delivery and delivery time, etc. etc. BUT we should have done that anyway if we had simply borrowed the person.

The advantages are that we (again) focus on skills and quality and the ceding departments will be clarified on what is demanded.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Build more trust in you relationships

I heard of this formula for the first time last week and found it exciting because the formula nuanced the concept of trust, which otherwise is a little difficult to work with in a structured way.
You also get a tool to get rid of any bad habits that unnecessarily reduces trust towards you.
Here are the elements (notice that selv-orientation counts the most):
Credibility          = Words = Credentials plus honesty
Reliability          = Actions = Promises kept
Intimacy            = Emotions = Feel comfortable talking to you about the sensitive, personal issues connected to the surface issue   
Self-orientation  = Motives = Know that you care about serving my interests

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

11 good advices for project management

Jorgen Ramskov was project manager on DR's role as host of European Melody Grand Prix in 2001. He was a different project and created a gigantic success for DR. Here is his simple recipes and advice from those days:

  1. Clear objectives. The vision, the goal should be abundantly clear. Repeated often, symbols put on. Logo etc.
  2. Unclear methods. When there is a clear goal, let the participants find the way. Many IT projects have a clear methodology (design model) and an unclear goal!
  3. Dreams. It is important to make the participants start dreaming. Thinking the unthinkable. Creativity. Out of box. Narrow scope but dream it would. Everything can be scaled!
  4. Exact communication. Dramatize, simplify, story-telling. A blade is a blade.
  5. Start with a small organization. Few people can be controlled. Wait until they scream for resources. To ensure that they are limited to "need to have".
  6. Open plan office. Project participants must sit / be open space all the time. Make special rooms for private things. To ensure communication, rules, sense of status
  7. Risk willigness. His principle was that they had to give up 3 times on a job before he listened to them. They should try some things.
  8. Fix-points. Find fix-points as you can use for reference points. Both follow-up, milestones, communication and celebration.
  9. Delegation. Project managers need to know all about the mood of the project and be present. They do not know everything about technology.
  10. Acceptere errors. The usual: Just not 2 times
  11. Deals must be win-win. All agreements (internal and external) must be based on win-win.