Thursday, 28 June 2012

Get more attention at your Stakeholder Analysis

I saw these figures recently - they might give people a better understanding of the importance of your Stakeholders.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Take the opportunity and talk about expectations

The new report from the Rockwool Foundation, which is mentioned everywhere today, says that although most feel that they work more than before, so they actually work less - maybe about 11 days less per. year!  In Denmark at least!
I suggest that you touch hours and expectations of each other at the nearest opportunity.
The question might be: How many hours of work can / should / must we deliver each week? What can we expect? What do we promise each other? Is it 10, 15, 20 or 25 hours or what?
(Warning: you will be shocked at the answers.) .

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

News from The Risk Doctor

Mr. David Hillson asked this time about the correct response to the surroundings right now where we are somewhere between the crisis and progress. When the whole society or the business world is threatened by risks - what do you do?

Read the newsletter here.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

The purposes you always forget

I suppose we can agree that it is important to understand the purpose of the project you are working with? and understand how it fit into the goal hierarchy? Yes!

But what about our own purpose for being involved in, manage or sell the project - are these objects important as well?

Yes, certainly, but no one spends time on them - we hope obviously that they will be fulfilled by themselves, but this is of course not so. Here are some examples and some challenging questions:

We have sold the project to a customer for 'making money': 1) Are there other purposes? - For example. build a good relationship? Penetrate a new market? - And how are the objectives weighted? 2) How much do we hope to earn? 3) How do we think we will make the money? 4) How do we organize the work as it happens?

We are a project team who want 'success of the project ': 1) Success for whom? The customer? ourselves as a group? The project? - How do we weighted these purposes? 2) What are the objectives of the individual? - And how we meets them?

I am the project manager and want to 'try out the challenge': 1) What does try mean? - It is a professional or managerial challenge? 2) Do I have other purposes? - And how are they met?

If you dare, try to ask some of these questions in your own project - it can be a surprisingly valuable talk!

Monday, 18 June 2012

What is the value of a certification?

Danish Project has asked people after 5 years with the certificate and the positive responses include:

• Access to larger and more complex projects
• Insight into own strengths and weaknesses
• Greater understanding of the project management discipline as a profession
A great help to identify own training needs
Contributing to the development of project management culture within the company
• An enhanced tool used in problem solving in the project
Sharper on leadership
Achieved awareness of own values ​​and behavior
Gave more confidence that shone through in everyday life
• Increased market value

So it is fortunately not the PR value, but the development issues that is important.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Are project managers the gift of God for us?

 Until it closed at 3 years, I was part of an expert group on project management which around 5,000 + Danish project leaders were free to ask about anything in their projects. Free it should be noted - and the answers we gave in 24 hours.

How many took advantage of this tibud? 11!

Since we know that the majority of all projects go wrong in one way or another (see eg here), I ask whether this is because the project leaders:
  • thinks nobody can do it better than themselves?
  • are hopeless optimists or reckless?
  • believes that the project management is unnecessary, as long as you are technical strong?
  • not have time to think just a little forward?
  • stupid?

- Well, yes, sorry I asked ...

Monday, 11 June 2012

New concept to discover your conflict behavior

Exciting new insights into our behavior in conflicts

Potential (those with Belbin in Denmark) now have an exciting new concept to discover our conflict behavior or roles - S'et is highlighted because you do not (as Thomas Kilmann says) has only one role - you typically switch through some stages when the conflict is increased.

In the new system SDI, Strength Deployment Inventory three behaviors / roles are identified in a conflict cycle. It makes sense, and I can clearly see my own behavior in conflicts: 1) keep my opposition and challenge! If it does not help then 2) smooth out and restore harmony, and if not settled by the resistance so 3) they can just f... of!

In the graphic I start in red, go in blue and end up in green. This insight by itself is valuable and it also allow me to monitor my behavior and I can reflect on how far I go and the frequency and hence I will be better able to handle conflicts.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

why does it go as it does in our department?

Year after year I see departments and companies wonder why they are so busy, have so much stress, have so many rescues or always is behind. "Because," as they say "it doesn't look wrong when we look at the bookings and work load from now on."

 The problem is that the measuring unit 'load' is far too little nuanced. Try to see these three figures. The first is that which provides a safe, but false image of the situation. The next show that most of our load is in high risk projects - projects which will almost certainly eat far more resources than planned. Finally, the last shows how desperate we are forced to be, because our entire profit is planned to come from higher-risk projects!

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Hurra for the small difference - in Denamrk

Denmark is the only country in the world where we delegate UPWARDS! We delegate the right to lead us up to our project leader or manager, when we find that he or she has earned it!
In Denmark we have a test period for new managers - where we are looked on and considered and evaluated. That is why we in Denmark say:

• You will be appointed to be boss - you are chosen to be our leader
 - And:
• We hire you on your professionalism - and fire you on your personality!

Belgium is surprisingly our diametrical opposite - here is much longer between employee and boss - see eg here.

Monday, 4 June 2012

The Chaos Report 2012 is just around the corner

Until then (June) you can skip the horror movies and just enjoy these figures: