Monday 11 June 2012

New concept to discover your conflict behavior

Exciting new insights into our behavior in conflicts

Potential (those with Belbin in Denmark) now have an exciting new concept to discover our conflict behavior or roles - S'et is highlighted because you do not (as Thomas Kilmann says) has only one role - you typically switch through some stages when the conflict is increased.

In the new system SDI, Strength Deployment Inventory three behaviors / roles are identified in a conflict cycle. It makes sense, and I can clearly see my own behavior in conflicts: 1) keep my opposition and challenge! If it does not help then 2) smooth out and restore harmony, and if not settled by the resistance so 3) they can just f... of!

In the graphic I start in red, go in blue and end up in green. This insight by itself is valuable and it also allow me to monitor my behavior and I can reflect on how far I go and the frequency and hence I will be better able to handle conflicts.

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