Friday, 30 November 2012

'Free' PDU for PMI re-certification

There are many opportunities to gather PDU's for free - see example this article by Patti Gilchrist on (You might have to register before you can access the full article.)

She initiate her article as follows:
  1. So let’s start with the easiest and the most obvious. You are a PM, right? Did you know you can get credit for just showing up?! If you are currently employed as a project manager, then you qualify for PDUs under Category F: Work as a Practitioner. You can claim five PDUs per year (and 15 PDUs per cycle) for being a practitioner of project and/or program management services.Note that this category (Category F) is part of the Giving Back to the Profession category, which includes Categories D, E and F. You can claim 45 out of the required 60 PDUs per three-year cycle by giving back to the profession.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Team role profile tool

I was recently made ​​aware of http://www.123test.com Here are several exciting 'tests' or rightfully tools to show your profiles in many dimensions.
You will find one on your team role profile (not Belbin, but in that direction), a personality profile DISC for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Certainty (not DiSC, but very similar) and even a little deeper personality profile Jung (not MBTI but that the direction).

It is of course mini versions with only few questions, so use them as inspiration and direction encoders, before you get the 'right' profiles from established provideres of the original 'tests'.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Acid test of your objectives

It is certainly not unknown that the deliverables your project generates are aimed at the use of an audience? Customers, colleagues, etc.

This means that there are two purposes: Your project's purpose and the customer's purpose. For example is your project aimed at designing and producing a new standard house; while the customer's purpose is to cover the need for safety and security for the family in a house. How are the two objectives linked together - or rather, how are the two objectives linked tso that both parties are satisfied? Or how can your company make money on customer needs?

To find out you have to break down both objectives as usual - and continue until you meet the common goals! Common goals may be:

cheap price - because we can manufacture cheaply
smart design - because we can precisely do that
green house - because we can all taht about lifecycles
quick house - because we can logistics
affortable house - because we can finance

Only when you have found the common goals you understand your own project!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

What is a combined goal?

We have regulary discussed Objectives / Success criteria respectively Deliverabler / Acceptance Criteria.

One can occasionally miss a dynamic between on the one hand Deliveries and on the other Purpose. Paybacktime constitute such dynamics. Paybacktime is a combined goal.

A desired paybacktime of for example one year establishes a link between the cost of the project (which is the project manager headaches) and revenues from the project deliverables (headache of the one requiring the project). The gola of one year provides an interesting dependence between the two parties.

Do you know other kombinerde goals?

Saturday, 10 November 2012

What do you think you are?

To get the project completed and accepted on time and budget does not make us good project managers in everyone's eyes - at least not necessarily in customers.

It's a bit like a supplier - what do you want: 1) what you requested? or 2) what you need? The last right?

Suppliers deliver what you order. Business Partners deliver what you need - or making an effort to do so.

The supplier you can rely on the quality, time and cost. Partners are in sincerity, empathy, focus on your business, etc.

Suppliers can be obtained anywhere. Partners are more rare.

Supplier role is easy. Role is difficult because you often must make unpleasant and provocative questions. You have to ask again and again - even when the customer has had enough - "just to be sure ....".

Want to be a good project manager in customers' eyes, you have to cover the whole playing field:

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Change the game

If you want to change something, start to understand it first! Only when you understand it completely, you understand why and how the rules can change for the better. As changes occur, you change what you originally wanted to change.

The rule of change:

Play the game
Change the rules
Change the game

Try to help making more changes to perish in this sequence - and not in reverse order!