Saturday 10 November 2012

What do you think you are?

To get the project completed and accepted on time and budget does not make us good project managers in everyone's eyes - at least not necessarily in customers.

It's a bit like a supplier - what do you want: 1) what you requested? or 2) what you need? The last right?

Suppliers deliver what you order. Business Partners deliver what you need - or making an effort to do so.

The supplier you can rely on the quality, time and cost. Partners are in sincerity, empathy, focus on your business, etc.

Suppliers can be obtained anywhere. Partners are more rare.

Supplier role is easy. Role is difficult because you often must make unpleasant and provocative questions. You have to ask again and again - even when the customer has had enough - "just to be sure ....".

Want to be a good project manager in customers' eyes, you have to cover the whole playing field:

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