Tuesday 22 January 2013

Should we punish Project Managers with fines and imprisonment?

.. to get more quality into the estimates that underlie the business cases that we repeatedly see are not reliable in real life!

The idea pops up when you read Prof. Bent Flyvbjerg article here about all the scandals in public (and probably in total secrecy also business-) capital expenditures. Advisers who calculate business Cases with too low costs and excessive benefits (eg. Number of cars on the Great Belt Bridge, etc.) should not escape as easily as just being fired believes Flyvbjerg. When society in this way is misled we should perhaps punish advisers more harsh considers Flyvbjerg.

Now try this quick thought experiment:

If you now have to pay a fine of 3 times your monthly salary if the estimates on your project are not met, what would you do differently? - And now the killer question: why do you not do it allready today?

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