Monday, 4 March 2013

Project Managers sense for Strategy


We are repeatedly accused of "not grasping a meter of what is happening right in front of us ..". live with it because it's part of the job to accept all reproaches when things go wrong. You are as project manager just so visible that everything is sent in your direction. If it can comfort you, then there is at least as much reason to blame the line managers the same - it's just happens behind closed doors.

If you think you can get an education so you understand what your business is really doing, think again. The knowledge you need is in your organization, but there is simply no one bother to tell you about it.
Until our surroundings realize that we must be fed regularly with strategic information (because we can not get it in management and Board meetings), try indicated at least to place your project in this figure:

You lie low there is a good chance that you stand to be blamed when the project will be 'discovered' by the Executive Board. Located you high, you will be blamed (by your immediate superior) that you are wasting time on unimportant things.
Whatever you do, there is always dissatisfaction - welcome to reality in all management of organizations.

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