Friday, 30 March 2012

When expertise is no longer enough

I have the past six months have seen more and more Danish companies recognize that their up to now unique knowledge is no longer enough to ensure profitability. Competition from low cost countries eats up the 'food chain' quickly to also hit the business areas which were previously difficult to take because of unique knowledge. Of course there are also local competition.

The solution for these companies is to look at how knowledge is sold and delivered. In other words, begin to build a project culture with skilled project managers and participants that can both the technically and the business parts of dealing with demanding customers.

There are still more jobs in our area!

With daffodils at the edge of the flower, I wish you a good week-end

Monday, 26 March 2012

The Bible in Project Management

Bjarne Kousholt had an immediate success when he published his Project Management - Theory and practice in 2007. Now it’s ready in its 4th. edition in Danish and the English version is just around the corner.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Gantt Calendar in Excel for 2012 and 2013

Here is a calendar with Danish national and bank holidays. The Danish equivalent is used by several thousand people in Denmark.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Five years Birthday

1th. of March 2012 was the birthday of the largest Danish Blog on Project Management.
Since 29th. of January all posts has been translated into English here.
A mirror is available at Linkedin here.

Read Viral Change - and get a new life!

I have just finished this excellent book - read my review here.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Mostly for PMP Certificated

PMI is under way with 5th. Edition of PMBok. Here you can find a summary of the changes and here a more detailed overview.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Project Management Version 2

I am convinced that we need to rethink completely if we are to proceed with project management. The current definition creates progressively more problems than it solves. Here are my thoughts (including a continuation of this post):
Version 2
Project Manager
Change Managerembedded in the ordering organization near the 'customer'. Responsible for selling the new idea - see change-by-sense.

Deliverables Managerrooted in the supplying organization. Responsible for delivering the core product - if there is one.
Steering Committee
Coordination Group representing the parts of the organization requiring the project or who should request the new idea. Here are leaders at their best.
Opportunities - far more focus and energy on opportunities initially which means more time on the creative phase. Risks closely linked to the generation of the product
Common sense - the big change-shows, top-down (often with little effect) is replaced by change-by-sense, bottom-up - eg. Viral Change - see Leandro Herrero.
Customers - coercion is ruled out. Only if you have something sensible to 'sell' you have a chance. See Common sense above.
Portfolio Management
Strategic coordination, focusing on what is actually critical - say absorbency, degrees of saturation and boiling points of its elements. Specialist knowledge and capacity can always be purchased.
Program Management
Taken over by the coordinating group - see above.
The parts of the strategy currently made operational.