Friday 2 March 2012

Project Management Version 2

I am convinced that we need to rethink completely if we are to proceed with project management. The current definition creates progressively more problems than it solves. Here are my thoughts (including a continuation of this post):
Version 2
Project Manager
Change Managerembedded in the ordering organization near the 'customer'. Responsible for selling the new idea - see change-by-sense.

Deliverables Managerrooted in the supplying organization. Responsible for delivering the core product - if there is one.
Steering Committee
Coordination Group representing the parts of the organization requiring the project or who should request the new idea. Here are leaders at their best.
Opportunities - far more focus and energy on opportunities initially which means more time on the creative phase. Risks closely linked to the generation of the product
Common sense - the big change-shows, top-down (often with little effect) is replaced by change-by-sense, bottom-up - eg. Viral Change - see Leandro Herrero.
Customers - coercion is ruled out. Only if you have something sensible to 'sell' you have a chance. See Common sense above.
Portfolio Management
Strategic coordination, focusing on what is actually critical - say absorbency, degrees of saturation and boiling points of its elements. Specialist knowledge and capacity can always be purchased.
Program Management
Taken over by the coordinating group - see above.
The parts of the strategy currently made operational.

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