Sunday, 12 August 2012

Act so I can see what you say!

After you've seen the weather forecast on DR or TV2, have you wondered why you still can not quite remember how the weather will be tomorrow? That's because you are exposed to poor communication - body language that rarely match the message - a smile often emphasize the prospect of several days of rain.

I have just landed after three weeks in England with friends and acquaintances and in Cornwall, which I have driven thin. BBC is worse at communicating than the Danish channels. Here you are really sickly anxious for in any way to disrupt morning cosiness and confront viewers with reality.

The not always good weather over the Olympic city were each day presented with a huge smile: "Sun and showers!" could get the BBC's morning editorial in a good mood.

The rule in communication is that:

Body language gives most effect  - your posture, facial expressions, your gestures, hand gestures ...

The emphasis of the words is the second strongest - your voice, low and slow, monotonous, varied, high, excited ...

The words are the weakest provider - your choice of words ...

(without demonstrable evidence, it is often said that the distribution is 55%, 38% and 7%).

Concider  how the quality of communication constantly decreases when more and more concerns are about 'looking good' and 'feel good' whenever people communicate.

As a Project Manager at least 99% of your job is about communication. Every one hour spendt at being better in communication will pay back at least 10 times.

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