Friday 31 August 2012

Authentic leadership?

Each time has it's leadership style. We have seen the Action oriented and the Charismatic managers leading us the right way when the world was easy to understand and predict. Since came the visionary leaders and committed us and let us handle all the details. As we got more and more influence and responsibility we saw the coaching and motivating leaders. The focused more on us than the job oat hand.

Today where the world is super complex, under quick change and impossible to predict it's difficult to find the right leadership style.

Maybe it's to be Authentic -  something like - tranparent - predictable - honest and have great integrity?

It is perhaps the correct leader to execute the only agenda that works today:
• What do we know?
What can we do?
• What do we do?
How do we do it?

 Have a pleasant week-end - maybe with this one:

What are you going to do this week-end? - "Nothing!"

You said that last week as well! - "Yaa, but I didn't quite finish it last week-end"

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