Friday 12 October 2012

Challenging structure fascism 2

Obliquity is a philosophy and not at least the experience many of us probably have, namely, that you often end up somewhere else than where you was expected to end - or, conversely, a goal best isachieved indirectly. (book on the idea here).
If we believe in this principle in our projects, so would:
  • plans more serve as a starting point, rather than as a way to the goal!
  • it be more important to relate to developments in the near and distant environments; than trying to stick to the plan!
  • planning of how we capture, interpret and react to change and events be more important than the project's schedule!
  • process be more important than results! - Perhaps even more important than the purpose of the project?
  • many classic project managers be on thin ice in regard to management and control.
It could all be true.

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