Friday 19 October 2012

It is the year of the Project Sponsor!

Finally got a chance to see some of the annual Chaos Report (Chaos because the report monitors the amount of chaos in projects) from the world's most recognized organization in the field: The Standish Group. The report from June this year called: CHAOS Manifesto 2012: the Year of the Executive Sponsor ($ 1,500 at The Standish Group here). The reason for the words Executive Sponsor is to be found in the reason for the growth in the number of successful projects, the report actually documents:

 - and declare that the reason for success is mainly attributable sponsor! The reasons are here:

Notice that Project  Management is 7th! We have long ago passed the point where projects and their success was an inside-and-out process. Today it is an outside-in process. Many more actors, interests and forces in play. In that arena, there are entirely different playing rules.

Are you and your sponsor ready?

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