Sunday 26 May 2013

Project Models and Japanese gardens?

Japanese gardens are created by eliminating one thing at a time from the garden untill you can see and feel that now you have reached the most critical and important elements - the soul of the garden so to speak!

Likewise with project models. Most are overloaded and users of the 'gardens' lose track, are getting easily lost and basically do not understand the idea of them.

Much could be achieved if each organization cleaned up once and a while and assessed the elements in their models - and threw away the less important! This would focus everybody on the most important elements in the models. Managers and project managers could practicing and gain benefits for themselves and especially for the organization's project maturity. Getting so far you could consider going the a 'gardencenter'.

Some ideas for what can be prioritized:

Try these thoughts on yourself: what exactly is the most important for you in a project model? I wonder what it says about you? - And are you happy with it? - And what do you do about it?

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