Wednesday 1 May 2013

Trust is something they have to ... you!!

When I first worked at Price Waterhouse, I often wondered over the boring slides my partner Ole Heise always used. When questioned he said one day: "I want to be absolutely sure that they do not take attention away from me."
He got it right. Nothing sells itself! Even the best idea does not sell itself. There must always be someone who pushes on. One showing clear belief in the idea. We are, after all, pack animals, and would prefer to follow a trustworthy person up front.

What you should think of when you plan time for a presentation: How much time to PowerPoint and how much time to train your performance and your verbal presentation? You spend probably too large a share of your PowerPoint? "As long as it is really right, nice and logical then the rest goes by itself". No, it's not true! You can with the PowerPoint only avoid being taken in error s- the belief you still have to create!
Start next time in preparing youself for presenting WITHOUT aids! Then, if necessary add aids!

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